
An interactive, cloud-based platform for storing, visualising and comparing all types of geographic and IoT agricultural data


Kartoza built a web application for farmers to explore and visualise field, pest and crop information about their farms, including aerial photography and satellite-derived data and in situ soil moisture observations with irrigation recommendations.

The product owner is now Mezzanineware. As of mid 2019, Kartoza remains under contract to Agritechnovation to provide core development services to MyFarmWeb.

Services Provided

System design and architecture

QGIS and web data processing workflows

PostGIS database management

Django application development

Front end development

Devops and sysadmin

  • Development
Started: 2015-01-06
Completed: 2021-02-28
Agri Technovation (Pty) Ltd
South Africa, going global, National