Kartoza - QGIS Road to Nerdvana Episode 2: QGIS QtCreator Build on Pop_OS! 20.04
Tim Sutton shows you how to use QtCreator to build QGIS in a graphical development environment
1 min read
In today’s video blog, Tim Sutton shows you how to use QtCreator to build QGIS in a graphical development environment. The key entries used when setting up 3D support and here are the commands used to install QtCreator:
sudo apt install qtcreator
In CMake config
Qt53DExtras_DIR /home/timlinux/dev/cpp/QGIS/external/qt3dextra-headers/cmake/Qt53DExtras
In manage kits
Note you will have to adjust the paths above to match where you have checked out your code on your system.
The two error dialogs shown (missing pywebkit and jinja2) can be fixed by doing:
sudo apt install python3-jinja2
sudo apt-get -y install python3-pyqt5.qtwebkit libqt5webkit5-dev
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