Reading and Writing Shapefiles in Python with Fiona
Reading and Writing Shapefiles in Python with Fiona
Fiona is a library for reading and writing shapefiles in Python.
Kartoza Internship: Programming Sessions
Kartoza Internship: Programming Sessions
The Kartoza Internship aims to prepare candidates for the workplace and build their skills, knowledge, experience, and portfolio.
Managing Legacy Code - PyConID 2023
Tips on dealing with legacy code, from a keynote at PythonID 2023
Kartoza at PyConZA Durban 2023
Kartoza is actively involved in developing cutting edge geospatial solutions. Python programming language is at the heart of the major products we build.
Reading and Writing XLSX File with Openpyxl
Reading and Writing XLSX File with Openpyxl
Openpyxl is a Python library used for manipulating Excel files. I came across a work that needs to export data to XLSX format, and I used Openpyxl as it’s pretty straightforward.
Mocking Requests with Responses
Mocking Requests with Responses
This blog will show you an alternative to requests_mock, the one that is simpler to use yet offers more features: responses
Python Type-Hint
Python Type-Hint
Python is a dynamically-typed language, which means the interpreter does type-checking when the code is executed, and the variable type can change over its lifetime.
Making Django Custom Migrations
Making Django Custom Migrations
Working with Django, we must be familiar with makemigrations and the migrate command. We use makemigrations to automa
Python Mocking Introduction
Python Mocking Introduction
Mocking is a process in unit testing when the test has external dependencies. We isolate our code during the test, without having to worry about the unexpected behavior
Working with Web Data using Requests and Beautiful Soup
Imagine us in charge of developing a feature to show public data coming from a third party that doesn’t have an API
Mocking Requests with requests_mock
Mocking Requests with requests_mock
Testing is an important part of software development, be it manual or automated.
Speeding Up Multiple Web Map Service Requests Using Python's Asyncio and Aiohttp
Geocontext is a Django app that retrieves information from multiple web based services for a specific query point.
Calculating Intersects for Map Layers and Map Extent Dynamically in QGIS
Recently we have been working on a project that involves simulating the 1 in 50k topographic maps in South Africa.